- Elisha Peterson, Qiaochu Yuan, Greg Kuperberg and others
trace diagrams, tensor diagrams, arrow notation, ...
[20 Nov 2009]
- José Antonio Ortega Ruiz
[physics musings]
- Geometrically speaking [6 Jul 2006]
- John Baez
[This Week's Finds in Mathematical Physics]
This intro to Lie groups is also a bit quirky [24 Dec 2007]
Diagrammatic approach to Clebsch-Gordan coefficients [6 Feb 2001]:
"a really cool book by a guy named something like Ctanovic,
which is presently almost impossible to find unless you're a wizard.
(This book will eventually be published more widely, after what's-his-name
inserts a section on diagram techniques for exceptional Lie groups!)"
What's-his-name Ctanović responds:
"True fact: I had a dinner once at a friends' house with Joan
Baez, but I declined her offer of a ride home as I was on a bicycle."
- Hasten Jason, El Naschie Watch
- This surfer is no Einstein [8 Mar 2010]
"The magic square did it! His colleague Prof. P. Cvitanović, a student of another extragalactic like El Naschie is saying the same."
- Alejandro Rivero
"And it could even happen that all the recent rage on reviewing the properties of scattering amplitudes and looking for general properties of Feynman diagrams could be remotely inspired in Cvitanovic flirt with Madness."
svn: $Author: predrag $ --- $Date: 2012-04-16 08:24:04 +0200 (Mon, 16 Apr 2012) $