Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2002 From: Joseph Landsberg Howabout, Inspired by conjectures of.... apply --> Inspired by conjectures of ... utilise projective geometry and the triality model of Allison \cite{Allison} to interpret the magic square, and to recover and extend the dimension and decomposition formulas of Deligne and Vogel. They arrive.... ...$-4/3,-1,-2/3$. The negative parameters result from going beyond the triality model to more general models based on $\Bold Z$-gradings of Lie algebras and the numbers have yet to be interpreted geometrically. a demain, joseph %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %Joseph M. Landsberg %School of Mathematics %Georgia Tech %686 Cherry St., Skiles Bldg. %Atlanta, GA 30332-0160 %USA %HOMEPAGE: % phone 404-894-6480 %fax 404-894-4409 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%